Offset printing uses CMYK (Process or Full Colour) and Pantone spot colour (PMS). This process uses ink and plates to transfer an image onto paper.

There are numerous options, from 60gsm NCR paper through to 400gsm art paper, along with speciality stocks such as adhesive, smart papers and recycled papers.

In digital printing, an image is sent directly to the printer using digital files, this eliminates the need for a printing plate, which is used in offset printing, thus saving money and time.  This means that a finished file can be proofed and final quantity run within a short time period.

Digital printing can print both CMYK, RGB and Black & White, although colour shifts may occur with RGB content.

The preferred artwork file is an Adobe PDF file with fonts embedded and colours either CMYK or PMS nominated. PDF files should come with a minimum of 2mm bleed and crop/trim marks. Make sure your black text is 100% black.

We do accept raw file types such as InDesign, Illustrator, Corel Draw, Quark and Microsoft Office programs however charges will apply for conversion to PDF for plate processing. If supplying a raw file please check first if we have a version that is compatible.

Files can be emailed if 10mb or under, alternatively we can accept USB Memory Sticks, CD/DVDs. Large files can be uploaded to our FTP site or sent via free programs such as DropBox.

No – we will imposed your booklets to suit how we will print them.

Yes we will email a PDF proof or you can collect a hard copy print out if required.

Yes delivery is included. We use both parcel and direct delivery options with proof of delivery if required.

A4 (210 x 297mm) paper is the most commonly used paper for everyday use. whether it be at the office or at home. Within the A group there is many different sizes but how are these sizes determined?

Let’s work with A4 size 297 x210mm. If I require the next size down which is A5 (210 x 148mm). I will half the longest edge, so 297mm will now become 148mm (The sizes are always round down to the nearest mm).

If I want the next size up from A4 to A3 (420 x 297mm). I will double the short edge of the paper from 210mm to 420mm.

Please check out the video more information about the A group of paper.


Do you have more questions? Get in touch!